I don't know that I say this out loud enough even though I think it constantly, but I am lucky. Like, really really lucky. A lot of this "luck" has to do with a certain man (i.e. husband) who, as luck would have it, is a "planner" just like me, and happened to plan one of my favorite vacations EVER. Yes, he packed in a lot (620 miles in just the first 4 days of our trip), but that's just because he's so excited to see and share his love of Scotland with me - and his enthusiasm is pretty contagious. Phillip studied abroad in Scotland at the University of Stirling while his was in college and fell in love with the country. The hospitality of the Scots is unlike anywhere I've been - which says a lot since I live in the South. For example, we were in our rental car and not exactly sure of which road to take, so we decided to pull over before we committed to one when the car behind us pulled over too. This made us nervous. We had been driving a bit slower than everyone else as we adjusted to life in the left lane, so I was kind of afraid they were going to yell at us, which seems silly now, but when a car pulls over behind you, your gut reaction is not that this is a good thing. Boy was I wrong. The gentleman had just stopped to make sure we were okay and after we explained our indecision, told us to just follow him and he'd show us the way. He did and we made it to our next destination very easily. So nice!
This set the tone for the rest of our trip and we definitely made the most of it. A speed boat tour of Loch Ness, getting up at an ungodly hour to catch the sun rise over Isle of Skye, a night cap with a bit of Scotch before heading to bed... we tried to make the most of every moment we were there. It was extremely hard, but I narrowed the thousands (yes, thousands) of photos I took to my favorites. I did, however, lessen the blow of having to choose favorites by creating a slide show so that I could show more photos to anyone willing to subject themselves to it. The slide show is to come, but for now, here are a few photos of our great adventure.
Thistle - Scotland's National Flower
Loch Ness - no monsters... in view...
Highland cows or coos as they say
Kilt Rock
Hamish the Highland Coo
And it ends with the wheat fields outside a home in Carnoustie where we were graciously allowed to stay and as a bonus, eat their delicious blackberries and raspberries that were plucked daily. So lucky.